I have created a video to help a parent explain depression to a child.
Creating your own… Monster Spray!
Are your kids afraid of going to sleep at night? Are they afraid of monsters or zombies? Well don’t look further, Monster Spray will make all the monsters disappear!
Creating your own Fuzzy Wuzzies!
I would like to present my first video of a practical fun exercise you can do with your child, to create characters to explain any story that may relate to the child, to encourage the child through any difficult circumstance that they may be experiencing.
Making the characters together allows your child to share some of the character’s feelings or emotions which in turn helps the child to project onto the character. It also improves the bond between you and your child, whilst helping with problem solving skills when something is challenging.
Allow your child to have some choices in creating the character, don’t dictate to them what it is supposed to look like. Watch the video together.
But most of all…..ENJOY AND HAVE FUN!
I present to you: How To Make a PomPom Character which I call the FUZZY WUZZIES.